-What’s new at Black Sheep-
Join us in March as we take a journey through the motifs and ideas of modern Tibetan artists and weavers.
What Does AI Think?
The idea is simple, feed AI keywords for rugs and see if they can make anything sensible. As it turns out, AI is quite adept at making interesting, somewhat surreal designs that inspire creativity in real life artists. Check out some of the designs below.
Rugs of War
Read this harrowing article to understand the deep and rich history of rugs woven in times of war.
Turquoise Mountain
Amongst the chaos and ever shifting political rule of Afghanistan, one charity has made it their mission to support the local craftsmanship of the Afghani economy. Comprising mainly of Afghani women, Turquoise Mountain offers thousands of women the ability to have a stable home, job, and access to higher education.